Drawing Contest 2018


Do not chew more than you can swallow, surely you have been told before at some moment.. We are doing something worse to the planet, we are giving it something it can not digest: plastic.

The Problem

Labourer at a plastic bottles recycling center in Jiaxing, Zhejiang

Do not chew more than you can swallow, surely you have been told before at some moment..

We are doing something worse to the planet, we are giving it something it can not digest: 



“We are living on the planet as if we have another one to go to.”

Terry Swearingen,
Nurse, American environmental activist, winner of the Goldman Prize, the “Nobel” of the environment.

 Nine Different Households, Surrounded by a Week’s Worth Garbage.  Photo Gregg Segal  

Think before using plastic and act now, tomorrow is too late.


Refuse it, and if you can’t,
Reduce it, Reuse it or Recycle it.

“We are living on the planet as if we have another one to go to.”

Terry Swearingen,
Nurse, American environmental activist, winner of the Goldman Prize, the “Nobel” of the environment.

Take Action

Explore this year theme trough our InfoKits
Explore this year theme trough our InfoKits
Explore this year theme trough our InfoKits
Explore this year theme trough our InfoKits

Learn more about Plastics

Plastic Pollution: How Humans are Turning the World into Plastic.
Modern life would be impossible without plastic – but we have long since lost control over our invention. Why has plastic turned into a problem and what do we know about its dangers?

Learn how to Beat Plastic Pollution
The Bottle Island characters teach you how you and your friends can Beat Plastic Pollution in everyday ways with three simple tips.

Plastic Pollution: The Plastic Bag Impact.
Plastic bags are bad. They are leading to plastic pollution and hurting the environment plain and simple.

Por un mundo sostenible, sin plásticos en nuestros mares.
Recetas de botella plástica al horno, pinzas fritas o sopa de bolsa. ¿Delicioso?

El problema de la contaminación plástica.
En el mundo hay demasiada contaminación, hay algunas formas en las que nosotros podemos poner soluciones y una de ellas es dejar de usar tantas bolsas de plástico.

Reduce, Reusa y Recicla, para mejorar la tierra.
Nuestra Tierra te enseña cómo Reusar, Reducir y Reciclar.

Can plastic roads help save the planet?
Engineer Toby McCartney explains how his Scottish start-up MacRebur is persuading councils to use local waste plastic to build roads. Two English councils have already started building roads this way. A smartphone film for BBC World Hacks by Dougal Shaw..

A Spoon You Can Eat Is a Tasty Alternative to Plastic Waste
Plastic cutlery has been around for years, widely considered the only choice for cheap, disposable cutlery. Knowing the threat plastic poses to our environment and health, Narayana Peesapathy created a tasty and nutritious alternative: edible cutlery.

Re-thinking Progress: The Circular Economy
‘Re-Thinking Progress’ explores how through a change in perspective we can re-design the way our economy works – designing products that can be ‘made to be made again’ and powering the system with renewable energy. It questions whether with creativity and innovation we can build a restorative economy.

Una cuchara que se puede comer es una alternativa deliciosa a los desechos de plástico.
Los cubiertos de plástico han existido durante años, ampliamente considerados como la única opción de cubiertos desechables baratos. Al conocer la amenaza que representa el plástico para nuestro medio ambiente y nuestra salud, Narayana Peesapathy creó una alternativa sabrosa y nutritiva: los cubiertos comestibles.

Re-Inventando el Progreso: La Economía Circular.
Hay un mundo de oportunidades para volver a re-inventar y rediseñar la forma en que hacemos las cosas.

Pocoyó y la Aventura de Cuidar el Medio Ambiente
Aprende con Pocoyó y sus amigos a cuidar el medio ambiente.